Here is a glimpse into that fantasy land of vintage and antique treasures from past shows....
Judy's booth - where I will be!
I love how the sun pours in through the barn walls...
Here is one of the more unusual items you will find at the show (and also one of the most popular!) My friend Carol Smithback "engraves" pumpkins! She will have a booth set up right outside the entrance to the barn - DON'T miss it! To find out more about Carol and her fabulous work, click here or here.
I am also excited because I am unveiling my newest designs! I have been inspired by my friend Shari French to play around with finishes - so not only will my cones, crowns and paper dolls (see here!) be new, but I have a new line of jewelry that has a very distinct vintage look that I think you will love (made from large - 1.25" glass wafers)...not to mention my new rosary-inspired statement necklaces! And you've just got to love my new displays....
(that's me when I was four years old - with my dress on backwards - on a sugar high!)My vintage nod to the good old U S of A!...(I found an ancient copy of the sheet music for God Bless and Save America and paired it with a snippet from the US Constitution)
So my bags are packed - the big one is for the important stuff like displays and such...the small carry-on will have whatever I can squeeze in to wear...
Just a simple change of clothes and a toothbrush is all I's all about the product!
I hope you will be able to join me....but if not, come back here soon and I will post pictures from the show as soon as I return to my attic....
I hope you will be able to join me....but if not, come back here soon and I will post pictures from the show as soon as I return to my attic....
Happy Trails to me....see you at the Barn!
I am so looking forward to meeting you on Saturday and seeing all of your beautiful creations up close and personal.